Sunday, February 22, 2009

Do you think there will be a World War III in your lifetime?

I do not think that there will be a World War III in my life time because of several reasons. First of all, peace treaties have been made to keep the peace between countries and prevent war. These peace treaties will probably not be broken. Second of all, the United Nations(UN) have been joined by almost every country. The UN makes compromises and decisions that please all the nations so that there won't be a reason for war. Third of all, people have grown smarter and know that war is not good for their country or their enemy countries. They know that no matter how strong they are, destruction and death can't be avoided if a war was to happen, and no country wants that, so they avoid war. Also, now we have much better military and weapons, which would kill thousands of people at once, and that scared people. Lastly, there aren't any dictators, or fascist countries that would start a World War right now. As you can see, because there are peace treaties, because of the UN, because people are smarter now and want to avoid war, and there are no leaders who would start a war right now, there won't be a World War III in my lifetime.
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