In Cameroon, a new language called Frananglais, has developed. It is a mixture of French and English. This language developed because the French speaking people wanted to communicate with the English speaking people, and the other way around. To make that happen, they made up their own language, a mixture of English and French. This reminded me of India, because there they also mix Hindi and English, to make it easier to understand for the English people.
Frananglais has its pros and cons. It is good for the community and is unites the country, but it isn't good for their language skills, writing and reading if they don't know how to separate French from English and English from French. That is why the schools have rules that on some days they are only allowed to speak French, on others only English. If students speak Frananglais, they get punished, but that doesn't stop them from speaking it when no teachers are around. They might say, "Je veux go," which simply means I want to go. As you can see, I think that this is important because it might form a completely new trend and it might make cameroon more independent, unique and united if they all speak the same language. It might also destroy their French and English skills thought. So it will be interesting to see what happens.
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