Monday, October 13, 2008

There are many similarities between countries and how they invaded weaker countries to build empires. One similarity is that they all took over countries because having many empires and colonies made their own country stronger. Another similarity is that they all invaded the weaker countries by violence and more moder technology that the other countries didn't have, like machine guns and steam engines. A third similarity is that they were all looking for natural resources like cotton, gold, oil or diamonds. Also, Europeans thought that brown and non- Christian people had no soul and that they because of that weren't fully human, but more half- devil and half- child. They used religion as an excuse for invading countries, so they converted the half- devil, half- child people to Christianity to make the more or fully human. One thing that became better was the schooling. There is one big difference though. When Southeast Asia and India were invaded, the invaders, which were the Europeans and Americans, took all their food causing a starvation. The Middle East and Africa were invaded for other reasons like gold, diamonds and oil which didn't cause them to starve. As you can see, imperialism is usually similar, with just some differences which are because of the country they were taking over and their natural resources.