1. What were two highlights from the first week of school?
In the first week of school my two top highlights were definitely seeing my friends again and getting a schedule I like and totally agree with. It was very nice for me to see all my friends again after two months, talking to them and exchanging news. I am very happy with my new schedule which relieved me a lot. These were my two highlights from the first week.
2. What was your first impression of Humanities?
My first impression of humanities was that it was going to be fun, but also hard because we are 8th graders now and we have to get ready for high school. I also thought that we would be challenged and and that we would have to think critically. This is going to be a challenging but fun year.
3. What are two goals you have for this quarter in Humanities?
My two goals for this quarter are to improve my geographic knowledge and my punctuation. I want to improve my geographical knowledge because I forgot some of the rivers, countries, etc., and I want to know them all well. I sometimes don't know where to put a comma or whether i should put a comma or not, and I want that to change. So, those are the two things I will be working on this quarter.
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