What is technology?
Technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science. (from dictionary.com)
What are the 5 most and 5 least important technologies used today?
The 5 most important technologies used today are computers, calculators, phones, elevators and escalators, and security systems. The 5 least important technologies used today are gameboys, electric shaver, CD players , light up shoes, and an electric toothbrush.
How do you feel about that amount of and use of technology at AES?
I feel that we have a good amount of technology at AES and I think that we use it a bit too much. For example, we usually have lights on, that is unnecessary and we use computers for almost everything.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Posted by Lilli at 1:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Kurt Vonnegut
“Do you know what a Luddite is? That’s a person who doesn't like newfangled contraptions. Contraptions like nuclear submarines armed with Poseidon missiles that have H-bombs in their warheads, and like computers that cheat you out of becoming. Bill Gates says, “Wait till you can see what your computer can become.” But it’s you who should be doing the becoming. What you can become is the miracle you were born to work—not the damn fool computer.”
- Kurt Vonnegut
I partially agree and partially disagree with Kurt Vonnegut's statement. I agree that we need to develop and become. I also agree that computers do a lot of our work and that they are the ones that develop and become. Another thing I agree with is that you should not create bombs and other things that destroy. You should only create technology that's for every one's advantage and not only for one country or person. One thing I with, is that computers do help us develop and learn. It speeds work up and makes life easier. Without computers we would be working on an two page essay for years just because we don't have Microsoft Word or other tools that help us. In addition, scientists help keep us healthy and up to date because they have technology and technology helps them develop medicines and other things. As you can see, I agree with Vonnegut's statement in many ways, but i also disagree with it.
Picture of Kurt Vonnegut from:http://bkmarcus.com/cache/Vonnegut/images/kurt-vonnegut.jpg
Posted by Lilli at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
3Q reflection+ 4Q goals
My third quarter goals were to improve my writing skills, improve my geography skills, and to improve my vocabulary (vivid verbs, etc.). I did not meet all of those goals. First of all, I i didn't improve my writing skills because we didn't do any major writing assignments this quarter. Second of all, I did improve my geography skills a bit due to the weekly geography two minute warm up. Lastly, I do think that I improved my vocabulary.
4th Quarter Goals
- Get a B- or C+ on my UBD research paper.
- Improve my writing skills (including poetry).
- Improve my researching skills.
- And lastly improve my geography skills even more.
Posted by Lilli at 1:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Why is the phrase “Holy War” an oxymoron?
Why is the phrase “Holy War” an oxymoron?
The phrase "holy War" is and oxymoron because of two reasons. First, there is not good or "holy" war. War is something that you should avoid and not start because you think that god will praise you for killing someone of another religion. Just because someone doesn't believe in your religion, doesn't mean that their religion is wrong and that god would want you to kill them. Also, most of the religions forbid killing, but still people fight holy wars and kill people who don't practice all of the holidays or people who believe in different religions. In addition, holy describes something honored and war describes something horrible, which are opposites, which makes it and oxymoron. In summary, because there is no good war, killing is always bad, and because most religions forbid killing, the phrase "holy war" is and oxymoron.
Posted by Lilli at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Do you think there will be a World War III in your lifetime?
I do not think that there will be a World War III in my life time because of several reasons. First of all, peace treaties have been made to keep the peace between countries and prevent war. These peace treaties will probably not be broken. Second of all, the United Nations(UN) have been joined by almost every country. The UN makes compromises and decisions that please all the nations so that there won't be a reason for war. Third of all, people have grown smarter and know that war is not good for their country or their enemy countries. They know that no matter how strong they are, destruction and death can't be avoided if a war was to happen, and no country wants that, so they avoid war. Also, now we have much better military and weapons, which would kill thousands of people at once, and that scared people. Lastly, there aren't any dictators, or fascist countries that would start a World War right now. As you can see, because there are peace treaties, because of the UN, because people are smarter now and want to avoid war, and there are no leaders who would start a war right now, there won't be a World War III in my lifetime.
Picture from: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Mushcloud.jpg/300px-Mushcloud.jpg
Posted by Lilli at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Word War II: A Letter from the Battlefront
September 14, 1939
Dear Barbara,
These past 2 weeks were probably the most exhausting days of my whole life. I can’t believe I even have time to write you this letter. Since I only have little time, this letter will be rushed, but I just had to tell you about my new experiences. A few days ago, on September 1st, the Germans invaded us on three fronts (can you believe that?), the East Prussian Front in the north, the German Front in the west, and
You asked for my feelings and how I am? Well, yesterday we fought, and I wasn’t unscathed. Telling you this isn’t easy, but after the fight, my left hand was injured severely. They sent me to a hospital after several hours, too many if you ask me, and the nurses said that my hand won’t mend, it had to be amputated. I’m sorry love, but don’t worry too much, I won’t die and I will come home to our beautiful house soon. We all have changed, I noticed it on the very day the Germans invaded us. We, the soldiers, now have a stern look and a spark of revenge in our eyes. I wonder if I could ever go back to our old, simple but comfortable life? Now that I’m used to such harsh conditions, bad weather (it’s been very cold lately), and food and water shortage, it’s hard to imagine the life I once lived.
I have to tell you this, though I doubt that you didn’t know this, we lost the battle. The Germans now are controlling us. We held on longer than anyone would have thought, but in the end, we still lost. Not hard to believe when you look back at the numbers of military and weapons they had! Most of us were on horseback as well, I never even thought we would win, but I wouldn’t give up. We fought till we really couldn’t go one more step without dropping dead; and more dead soldiers was the last thing we needed. On the 3rd of September,
Yours for eternity,
Juri Pavlov
P.S. I hope that this all ends well and that I get to live yet another couple of years, to watch my beautiful daughter grow up and to spend time with my loving wife. Oh I miss you both so bad, now I know how it feels to loose someone. Please do not worry too much and if something does happen, do not let it change your life, I’m sorry. Remember, I love you forever.
P.P.S. Tell all our friends I said hello. And take care of my mother please.
Information from: http://www.kasprzyk.demon.co.uk/www/history/WW2.html
Picture from: http://pro.corbis.com/images/NA002776.jpg?size=67&uid={A97388D9-53C0-47E7-B106-372533AD6091}
Posted by Lilli at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
WWII feedback question- Anne Frank
In The New York Times the writer Anna Quindlen asked, “Would our understanding of the Holocaust be quite the same if Anne Frank had not taken a small plaid diary into hiding with her?” Respond to this question and explain your answer.
Anne Frank's diary is a big piece of the information on concentration camps and the holocaust in general. If we didn't have Anne Frank's diary, we wouln't have specific evidence and information of how the people felt and what it was like to live in a concentration camp. Also, Anne Frank was a young girl and most of the survivors who could have given us an insight of the concentration camps, were adult males since the children and women were executed. Having a girls point of view gives us even more information. In addition, it gives the emotions of the girls feelings and the point of view of a jew. In conclusion, Anne Frank's diary gives us the emotion, the point of view of a jewish girl, and specific evidence.
Posted by Lilli at 12:23 AM 0 comments